Is it me or is it funny to call the telephone company and get a busy signal.
Or that all their operators are busy? And you are put on hold to a call that may be monitored for training purposes.
I follow your rules when you give me a hundred menu items to choose from. I punch until I believe I have the right department only to be told, "that's not my department". And the odyssey begins all over again. Okay I get that maybe I did press the wrong number from your menu. My bad.
Just do me one favor. If I get, "press 1 for English, 2 for this language, 3 for this language", and I press 1, then I expect to have that conversation with someone who can speak English.
If you would just listen to those calls you record for educational purposes you would know what I mean.
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5 Steps to Align for Accurate Drives
Improve your golf drives with these 5 alignment steps for better accuracy
and power, ensuring every shot is on target.
The post 5 Steps to Align for Accu...
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