Friday, October 24, 2008

We Could All Use More Prospects

Having been in the financial business a few years ago Bill Good’s book, Prospecting Your Way to Sales Success was recommended reading. Unfortunately I never got past the table of contents. I would rather get a root canal than prospect.

So when his latest book, Hot Prospects landed on my desk, what caught my eye was an endorsement from Chris Gardner. I recognized the Gardner name having just rented the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness. The movie starred Will Smith as Gardner who went from rags to gazillionaire in the financial field. Gardner's trainer: Bill Good.

Hot Prospects has an accompanying website at You will need to register at the website to take full advantage of the tools needed to develop your own prospecting strategy.

Good has embedded passwords in the book and you will need them to download letters, scripts and, templates from the website to develop your personal prospecting system. Be prepared. Hot Prospects is also a workbook. The read is light, fun and the assignments a breeze as Good leads you by the hand.

Whether you are just starting out or been in the sales game a long time, Good not only gives you all the tools necessary in Hot Prospects but also promises that if you follow his plan, you can double your revenue or work half as much.

And if you are a sales manager, buy all your sales staff a copy of Hot Prospects. And you will never hear those three dreaded words from your sales staff again; “I hate prospecting”.

BB for now

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Advertising or Platitudes

Three of my favorite acronyms on judging ads: ICCL, WIIFM and BM.

Take the test. What do you think when you hear:

“35 years in business, lots of free parking, friendly and knowledgeable staff”. How about ICCL!

What goes through your mind when you hear, “Our buying power means lower prices for you, biggest selection in the city, have to make room for the new models”. All together now, WIIFM!

And lastly, “Never been a better time to buy, only once a year do we offer these prices, we will never be undersold”. Strike up the band and repeat after me, BM!

Advertising or platitudes? Simple to measure. Yellow Pages are a good example of platitudes. Cover the name of the businesses. Is there any difference?

Advertising or platitude. ICCL= I Could Care Less that you have been in business 35 years.

Advertising or platitude. WIIFM= What’s In It For Me and who cares you need to make room for the new models.

Advertising or platitude. BM= Bullshit Meter that you offer these prices only once a year.

Platitudes may win you advertising awards. Advertising rings the cash register.

BB for now

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Do You Love What You Do

Cold Calling. Never been a fan. I don't like the rejection cold calling brings.

There are those that say cold calling develops character. Not me. The no's send me to my psychiatrist's couch to discuss whether I was loved or not growing up.

My only time as a cold caller lasted all of two weeks (one pay check) selling carpet cleaning. I worked with a guy who lived for selling carpet cleaning. It was a natural high for him to sell a 3 room carpet cleaning for $39.95.

I asked him once how he has lasted 15 years with all the rejection and he said to me, "kid, if you give up when they say no, you don't believe in the product you are selling. Time to find another profession."

Would you like to add the steam cleaning on your furniture for an 9.95 extra? I think I feel another trip to the couch coming on.

BB for now