Have you seen the ad for the Sonata automobile where some Robert Redford wanna-be asks the car owner if he would take a million bucks to let him spend the night with the car? Are you kidding me?
Let me suspend reality for a moment (which is what a lot of tv ads try and I say try to do and fail miserably). A million dollars to spend the night with a 15,000 car! Where do I sign up?
If that isn't bad enough, the remaining part of the spot goes on to say how you can also get one of Hyundai's other great cars for just under $10,000 "because there has never been a better time to buy". Gag me!
What advertising agency bozo came up with this campaign? I can just see the pitch to Hyundai as the bozo leads the rest of the clowns out of the $15000 Hyundai car with a million dollars in one hand the bag of wool in the other hand to pull over the Hyundai people's eyes. Now that my friend is suspending reality.
BB for now.
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