You have left a number of voice mails. Sent a couple of emails too. And no return call or email for days. Welcome to the world of a frustrated salesperson.
"But I'm busy"! Baloney. If you aren't returning your messages the next working day, don't blame busy. You need a crash course on time management.
Here is time management rule 101:
Get yourself an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper and a black felt marker. Now write this on that paper: "I don't have a minute right now as I am returning phone calls and emails. Come back in 30 minutes". Put the sign up on your door and shut the door. Be polite and return those calls and emails.
You just never know when one of those unreturned messages could be your next promotion.
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5 Steps to Align for Accurate Drives
Improve your golf drives with these 5 alignment steps for better accuracy
and power, ensuring every shot is on target.
The post 5 Steps to Align for Accu...
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