Sunday, May 4, 2008

Take The Test To See How Passionate You Are

According to, “passion” is a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything. As you let that description settle in, do you have that passion for your job?

Oilman John Paul Getty said “passion” was more important than business acumen, imagination and ambition. One just has to look to Tiger Woods. Woods makes a bazillion dollars a year just in endorsements. The money he wins on the tour is pocket change. Tiger Woods plays golf because his passion from when he was a little kid was to be the best golfer in the world, ever!

Here are five things to check your passion temperature:

l. Are you continually learning about your profession

2. Do you have the best interest to grow your customer's business and not your commissions.

3. If you were thrust on stage in front of an audience and only had 30 seconds to explain what you do, could you?

4. Your day doesn't start at 8:30 and end at 5.o0

5. You are recognized as an expert in your field.

Author and speaker Harvey Mackay says that a sales person without passion is just an order taker.

BB for now

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